5 star hotel in Japan creates and prints elegant buffet tags with Edikio
The challenge: Make the production of buffet tags more efficient
The Hilton hotel in Osaka, Japan, is a modern 5 star hotel with a wide breakfast buffet spread and a gastronomic sushi bar. Previously the food was presented to the guests via laminated paper tags which were not consistent with the modern and elegant style of the hotel.

The solution: Elegant buffet tags printed with Edikio
When the food tag design and printing solution Edikio was presented to the Food and Beverage Manager of the hotel, he immediately saw the benefits of this system. For Mr. Gabriele D’Armore, the main value of Edikio is:
- The ease of use of the software
- The speed of the creation and printing process
- The numerous possibilities and designs for text fonts and languages
- The convenience of cleaning the cards easily
The result: guests appreciate the new look of the buffets
The personnel is very satisfied with the solution as it saves a lot of time and makes the visual appeal of the food display more appealing.
The guests, especially loyal guests, have noticed the change in the buffet presentation and appreciate the clarity and harmony of the food presentation.

Our all-in-one labeling solutions
Edikio offers two ranges of all-in-one solutions to let you design and print attractive labels quickly and easily while cutting costs, all from the comfort of your store or establishment:
- Price tags with our Price Tag solutions aimed at stores
- Display labels with our Edikio Guest solutions aimed at hotels and restaurants
Our packs include:
- A printer: single-sided our double-sided printing on standard-size or long-size cards
- Plastic card design and print software
- A printer ribbon and PVC cards designed especially for the food trade*
Discover other testimonies
Uptown Chefs Serve Up Quality & Sustainability with Edikio Guest
Quality, efficiency, and sustainability are paramount for one of British Columbia’s culinary gems, Uptown Chefs, located at the Coast Kamloops Hotel. The team, comprised of highly skilled chefs and great locally sourced products, provides exclusive catering services to all events held at the hotel in addition to other events around the area.
Buffet tags in the highest 5-star luxury hotel in the world
The Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong is the highest 5-star luxury hotel in the world. The hotel has 6 restaurants, 2 of them serve buffets, which are Café 103 serving lunch and dinner buffets and The Lounge & Bar serving breakfast buffet.
Edikio Flex, a solution tailored to the labelling needs for bakers
Easy-to-print, fully customizable price tags for Au Bon Pain and l'Arbre à Pain bakeries and patisseries, thanks to the Edikio Flex printing solution.
Boucherie Verroise chooses Edikio Price Tag for its ease of use
To enhance their vitrine and provide customers all the information they need, the shop's managers chose the Edikio Price Tag solution.
Laura Todd uses Edikio Price Tag labelling solution to highlight its expertise and the aesthetics of its shops.
Laura Todd brand, which specialises in top-of-the-range handmade cookies, has adopted Edikio Price Tag for personalised labelling in its 13 Paris shops.
Price tags adapted to the cigar cellar at “Le Cigare et la Plume” tobacco shop.
The tobacco shop “La Cigare et la Plume” chose Edikio Price Tag, a labeling solution fully adapted to the conditions of the cigar cellar.
Buffet tags in a Japanese 5 star hotel
5 star hotel in Japan creates and prints elegant buffet tags with Edikio
Singapore Wine Company identifies bottles with Edikio Price Tag
The Wine Company, based in Singapore, prints 40 to 50 new price tags cards each month.
Price tags in United States supermarket
Manage efficiently and quickly daily issuance of price tags at the point of sale.
Slate imitation price tags for Signaporean bakeries
An easy and qualitative printing solution for elegant price tags in bakeries.
Customizable price tags for BioCoop store in Angers
Price tag printing in accordance with European regulations on food information labeling for consumers on fresh produce.
Plastified food tags for hotels' buffets in Norway
Printing of several hundreds of food tags for the buffets of hotels with the all-in-one Price Tag solution
Food tags for Norwegian ferries
Streamlined management of food tags displayed in the restaurants and coffee shops of several ships with the Primacy plastic card printer.
Price labels for the fishmonger of a supermarket
Find out how the Les Justices branch of the “Super U” supermarket in Angers adopted the Price Tag solution to harmonize its display labeling.